Friday, December 2, 2011

Occupation: Stay at home mom/wife

Occupation: Stay at home mom/wife

Description: Wife and mother who does not hold a job outside of the home.

Duties: Wake when baby does, change diaper, make breakfast for baby and self, attempt to enjoy a cup (or two!) of coffee, change diaper, entertain and play with baby till nap time, change diaper, take a few minutes of personal time to take a shower or eat lunch, clean and pick up around the house if time allows, get baby up from nap, change diaper, feed baby lunch, run errands outside of house like grocery store, bank, dry cleaners, drop of bills...etc., pick up niece from school, change diaper, put baby down for afternoon nap, do laundry, cook dinner, maybe have a few minutes of personal time, get baby up from nap, change diaper, feed baby dinner, eat dinner with husband, entertain and play with baby, bathe baby, put baby to bed, do dishes, pick up around the house, go to bed, get up every time baby wakes, repeat.

Now, I don't have a sparkling clean house. It's far from it. But I have a happy, healthy baby and a happy, healthy husband. I love my job. I realize it isn't for everyone but it is most definitely for me. This is the hardest yet most rewarding job I've ever had. I get to see every moment of my little one's life. I've been there to witness his milestones. I get to rock him to sleep every day and every night. These are moments I'll never get back and I'm doing my best to cherish them. No, it's not easy. There are days I long for help...for a break. But I know that this is my calling and I want to do the best I can at it.

Kyle will be 9 months old tomorrow. Wow. I am constantly amazed at how fast time goes. He started army crawling this last month and is now fully crawling on his hands and knees. Over Thanksgiving at my dad's he started pulling up and standing while holding on to something. He now wants to do this all the time. It doesn't matter what he's trying to pull up on...he's going to do it. He hasn't started taking any steps but I know it won't be long. He claps, chatters a lot, still only has the two bottom front teeth, smiles and laughs at things on tv, loves his walker and will cruise around the house. He loves bath time, still takes good morning and afternoon naps, sleep at night is unpredictable. Some nights he sleeps from when I put him down till 5 or 6am...other nights he wakes up every few hours or so.

He is the happy in my life. I am so proud to be his momma.


  1. Made me cry, sweet girl. I'm so proud of you. You are so right. These are precious, fleeting moments. Love your perspective and I love you.
