Besides crawling (oh, did I mention that it's an army crawl?) he is starting to pull himself up in his crib and on me. I'm so not ready for walking! He loves his walker and will cruise all over the house. He discovered the pots and pans in the kitchen today. The walker has put him at a perfect height for several things he shouldn't get in to! I'm learning to baby proof quickly!
He is eating more solids now and even though he only has two bottom front teeth, I give him soft chunks of food and he's doing well with it! He loves macaroni and cheese and ramen noodles! He loves all fruit and will eat green veggies if they aren't pureed. If they are, he will just spit them out. But give him a green bean or an asparagus stalk and he'll chew away. I've tried giving him small pieces of chicken but he's still not sure about the texture. I need to try pureeing it and see how he likes that. I can't bring myself to give him jarred pureed meats even though I'm sure they are fine. I make a lot of his food but do give him Gerber fruits and veggies too. There is just something about baby food meat that I can't make myself give him.
At 8 months, I'm still breastfeeding him. This is something I'm very proud of. It has not always been easy and yes, it would have been nice to have someone else feed him a bottle from time to time, but breastfeeding is something I have always wanted to do and I am thankful I've been able to do it this long. I plan on only doing it until he is a year old but am already starting to get a little sad about it coming to an end. It is a special time that only Kyle and I can share and I love it. Now that he is on the go all the time, feeding is the only still time we have together anymore!
I can't believe Kyle is 8 months old now. He is such a joy and I just love being his momma! Oh! By the way, he can say "momma" and "dada" now. :) I love it!
One of my favorite pictures so far! Look at that sweet face!!!
After swim class
His daddy and uncles wore this same outfit as babies!
This is his "cheese" face :)
He LOVES bath time
He loves flipping over on his tummy and "swimming" in the tub. Ha!
Peeking at Maverick :)
Wish this picture really showed the food that was all over his face!
My little tiger at Halloween