Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Baby boy turns 6 months on Saturday. I remember when I was pregnant and had friends whose babies were around 6 months and thought that it was so far away. That felt like yesterday and now here we are. His first birthday will be here before I know it. Sniff, sniff. 

With Nayeli back at school, I feel more like a stay at home mom than I did this summer. It was nice having her with us all day but now that its just Kyle and I until we pick her up at 3, it feels different. Being a stay at home mom can be lonely! I love my boy but I do miss adult interaction! I miss chatting with my co-workers every day. I don't want to give this wonderful opportunity up, but I do miss a few things about working outside of the home. I would love to find a mommy and me play group or something. I need to meet more moms out there like me!! 

Here are a few pictures of my boy.  

He loves to play with cool, wet rags!

The picture he'll hate when he's older :) Look at those sweet cheeks!! 

My aunts gave me this outfit that they found when going through my Big Mama's things after she passed. It still had the tags on it. It was like it was a present for Kyle from her. It's too hot for him to wear now but I knew he wouldn't fit in it in a few months so I had to get a few pictures of him in it. 

"Mom, its hard to roll over with your leg in the way!"

 Last weekend we went to Keller to Sheila's house to meet her daughter Ali. Sheila and I graduated from high school together and probably hadn't seen each other since! We reconnected through Facebook and realized we both had babies due in March! Ali was born a few weeks after Kyle was. It was so nice to catch up and the babies seemed to just love each other. :)  

Labor day weekend is coming up and I hope to make it down to San Angelo for some fun in the sun. Kyle loved the water last time we were there so I hope to get in a few more lake trips while its warm. (Though I am oh so ready for cooler weather!!! Hurry fall, hurry!) 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Taking a break

There was a segment on the Today show this morning about moms and their feelings towards motherhood and their children. Today Moms and Parenthood Magazine polled several mothers on several topics but one thing that came out over all were that mothers were tired and needed breaks. I'm a new mom. My son is only 5 months old. Saying that I need a break almost seems silly since I haven't been doing it very long and even thinking about a break, whatever kind of break, makes me feel guilty. I wanted a child and wanted to be a stay at home mom. Breaks are out of the question, right? Well, the segment helped me realize I wasn't alone and that its ok to need some "me time" every now and then. One big problem with that is that Kyle refuses to take a bottle. When I went back to work for a few weeks he would take both the bottle and breast, but now that I have been home with him all the time, he will not take a bottle anymore. I'm now trying to get him to take a sippy cup. I figure he'll be drinking juice or water from one soon enough so maybe he'll take breast milk from it. I've been trying to get him to drink from it a little bit every day. Hopefully he'll catch on sooner than later.  I don't want to go back to work, but a dinner alone with my husband one night would be nice. :)

We went to my dad's lake house last weekend with friends and family and had a good time. We spent a little more time in the water with Kyle and he seemed to love it! He splashed and kicked and smiled.

Jax came to play at the lake too!
 Kyle loves his LuLu

 Came home and wished Erica a Happy Birthday!!
 My beautiful blue eyed boy :)
 Kyle loves his Maverick (and Mav loves giving Kyle kisses!)
 King Kyle :)
 Kyle loves his cousin Nayeli too :)
 He has just about figured out this sitting up business
 He loves his bouncer 
 I tried giving him some avocados. He wasn't too sure about them. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

5 months!

Happy 5 months to my sweet boy! Where is the time going?? At 5 months he is trying desperately to sit up by himself. When you lay him in a reclining position on his boppy or in his chair, he tries so hard to sit up. I don't think it will be long until he is doing so. He does pretty well in his Bumbo chair!
We went to my mom's house last weekend. Kyle loves his BeBe. I'm so glad that she is close enough to go there for a few days. 

Kyle tried bananas for the first time at BeBe's. He wasn't too sure about the texture of them!

 Kyle had a visit from a Yaya!! Hi Doni! 

Last week Kyle started making a very odd noise when he was fussy. It seemed to get worse and he was more fussy than he has ever been. I thought that maybe he was starting to teethe but this noise was not normal for him. Someone said it sounded like a goose honking. We took him to the dr on Tuesday and she sent us to get chest xrays since she couldn't hear anything in his chest and he wasn't running fever. The xrays showed a little swelling around his vocal cords so she thought it was little croup. She started him on a steroid that day and we had a follow up appointment scheduled for Thursday. Wednesday night he was horrible. He cried and fussed the whole evening. On Thursday morning our doctor told us that the steroids would have acted fast and helped if it were croup. She was worried that maybe he had something in his throat that the xrays didn't show and called and ENT doctor in Decatur to see if she could scope him and take a look. She didn't have an infant scope and we were appointed with a doctor in Southlake the following Monday. So, with no obvious cure for what was going on and no real idea what was going on with him, we were left to wait until Monday. Thursday night he started to seem a little happier and he seemed great over the weekend. He hardly made that sound at all and he was my happy boy again. We decided to go ahead and take him to the appointment in Southlake on Monday just to be sure things were good. That doctor made me feel so stupid for bringing him in. I played the video of Kyle making the sound and he said that it sounded fine to him and that he was just crying. I told him that no, he does not cry like that and he does not act like that (fussy all the time.) He said we could do the scope to rule out anything being wrong so thats what we did. Kyle of course didn't like it and neither did momma like hearing my poor boy cry. But the scope at least relieved my fears of something major being wrong and showed that he had reflux! We decided not to try medicine right now since he seems to be doing better but it is an option for us if we think he needs it. He was pretty fussy again Monday night and yesterday but I think most of it had to do with the discomfort from the scope. Today he seems to be pretty happy. :) 

It can be scary not knowing what is wrong with him or why he is unhappy. I don't want to think nothing is wrong and then find out later that something is. I also don't want to be in the doctor's office every week for something that really is nothing. It really is a guessing game and can just be scary. I can only imagine that he will only go through more and more issues that I will wonder about and just pray that I have good sense to know when he needs the doctor or not. I am blessed with a pretty healthy and happy baby. 

Here he is after a bath. He loves baths...most of the time. :)
And here he is with daddy at reunion. 
I love my boys.